Hey there!
Nice to meet you! My name is Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Eliz (just like e-mail but e-liz!)
I am a hard-working creative with a passion for capturing the human spirit on camera & using media to generate empathy. Never satisfied with being just one thing, I’m a lifelong explorer who wants to do and be a little bit of everything.
I got my first DSLR camera when I was 12. I asked for mostly money for Christmas and saved it all. At the time, I was determined to become a YouTuber when I grew up.
Below is young Eliz on the July 4th, 2015 with her baby Canon EOS Rebel T3i. At the time I had no idea what that little camera and I would do together; I was just following a vision and a calling in my soul.
With time I started to consider other more “practical” careers, & my love for media and creating got pushed to the side. However, freshman year of college I found myself holding that DSLR once again. A senior girl on my cross country team that I looked up to in more ways than one was graduating soon, & I figured someone would have to step up and take pictures for the team.
I brought my camera to the final track meet of the season & was quickly hooked. I found myself full of wonder and awe as everywhere I turned I saw joy and love and compassion through my viewfinder. How many beautiful moments we miss everyday when we don’t tune in to what’s happening around us.
I soon found the camera to be an incredible lens through which to watch the world go by. I’ve gotten to bare witness to so many inspiring moments by simply holding a camera and taking pictures throughout the last 4 years. And when I can find these moments & then get to show them to people, proving that love is still alive and real in this world… that’s why I do what I do.
I graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in Film in this coming Spring 2025. I am ready to take on the world & see all there is to see, do all there is to do. And I plan to have my trusty camera by my side the whole time through.
Follow along with my journey on Instagram @elizhulick !!
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